In the book Short Guide to the Museum in Royal Batavia Society of Arts And Sciences 1948 by A. N. J. Th. à. Th. Van Der Hoop. In the introduce chapter about The Library say's as the largest in the country, it's contain an extensive collection of the book in the field's of philology, ethnology, history, archaeology, literature, law and many any subject. From the beginning attempt havebeen made to collect everything printed in the Indian Archipelago regardless of the subject; the library posseses an exchaustive collection of complete series of papers adn periodicals of all kinds. moreover the libraries of the combined faculties of law and letters have found a place in the library. The Library is a part of Bataviasch Genootschap which is stand from 1778 to 1950, the collections which can be found in the library was donations from JACOBUS CORNELIS MATTHEUS RADERMACHER (1741 – 24 December 1783). Later after the Independent of Indonesia, from 1962 The Library was organized by Lembaga Kebudayaan Indonesia in Museum Pusat Jakarta untill 1979. In the 1980, The Library Organized by Museum Nasional Until 1986, then organization is devided with Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia. Until 1987 the original part of Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia still operating in Museum Nasional.
Base on Regulation Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia No 37 Year 2016 About Museum Nasional Duty (37/2016) Articel 1 Point n are to carry out the management of the Museum Nasional library. This Duty are carry out by The Registration dan Documentation field in article 10 poin j 37/2016 and held by Library Section with the detail job and function in the articel 13 37/2016. The job and fuction of the Library Section are:
Address :
Museum Nasional Indonesia
Pustaka: Six (6) Floor
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No.12 Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta. 10110
Phone Number :
(021) 3447778
Fax Number :
(021) 3447778, 3811076
Monday - Friday :
Open : 09.00 AM
Break : 12.00 - 13.00 PM
Close : 16.00 PM
Monday - Friday :
Open : 09.00 AM
Break : 12.00 - 12.30 PM
Close : 15.00 PM
We have Printed Sciences Material collection, such as Bataviasch Society Rapport, Dagh Register, Oudhedkundigs Verslag and many else.
In the reason Library Management Reform, Museum Nasional do not accept a membership. Visitor cann't borrow the book, but still can read the book in the library.